Amplification in an Automated Market Maker

Typical Liquidity Pool

x * y = k

In constant product automated market maker: x is the first token y is the second token k is the constant x and y must always multiply to form k

A pool will start with a equal number of both tokens In this instance, we can start with 5000 Apples and 5000 Bananas

Taking Apples as x, and Bananas as y, 5000 (Apples) * 5000 (Bananas) = 25,000,000 (k) The constant is 25,000,000

APPLE-BANANA Liquidity Pool

There are currently 5000 Apples and 5000 Bananas in the pool.






Amplified Liquidity Pool

ax * ay = k * a^2

In a dynamic market maker: Both x and y are amplified by a ax and ay are thus virtual balances ax and ay must always multiply to form k * a * a.

A pool will start with a equal number of both tokens In this instance, we can start with 5000 Apples and 5000 Bananas


Taking Apples as x, and Bananas as y, you can set amplification above accordingly. The amplified amount of Apples is: 2,000,000 (5000 Apples * 400 amplification = 2,000,000) The amplified amount of Bananas is: 2,000,000 (5000 Bananas * 400 amplification = 2,000,000) 2,000,000 (Apples) * 2,000,000 (Bananas) = 4,000,000,000,000 (k) The amplified constant is 4,000,000,000,000

APPLE-BANANA Liquidity Pool

There are currently 5000 Apples and 5000 Bananas in the pool.




